
I believe my motivation is running kind of low today.  This weekend, in general, really.  Yesterday I drove the children around a lot (6 round trips total!) and spent most of the rest of the day lying around idly surfing the internet, but without accomplishing much of anything.  Unless you count watching the remaining four episodes of “Rock of Love II” to be an accomplishment, which I kind of do.  Now I just hope that there’s a reunion show.

Today, so far, I have managed to go to Target to obtain much-needed decongestants and less-needed things like a DVD and overpriced shampoo.  Then, I opened a text file to write down what I was going to do today, and when I found it fifteen minutes later, it looked like this:

“Things to Do”

So apparently I am not feeling like doing much of anything at all.  Maybe if I re-titled my list “Things I Should Do But Won’t” I would be able to have more items on my list.

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